Silver Health Systems Ltd.
Privacy Policy
Silver Health Systems Ltd. (doing business as “Silver Valet Dental Care”) (“Silver”) understands the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting personal information.
This Policy sets out the principles that will be observed by Silver with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about any identifiable individual other than a Silver employee. This Policy applies regardless of the format in which personal information is provided to Silver.
“Personal information” includes any information about an identifiable individual, other than their name, title and business contact information. Silver may collect personal information including an individual’s name, home address and telephone number, age, identification numbers, health information, medical history, dental condition, past dental treatment, and financial, asset and credit information. The types of personal information held by Silver may vary depending on whether the individual is a current or prospective patient, investor, distributor, supplier or service-provider.
Silver welcomes questions and feedback on its management of personal information. Any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Policy, our related privacy practices, or our management of personal information may be directed to Silver’s Privacy Officer at:
Silver Valet Dental Care
Suite 1, 1433 Rupert Street
North Vancouver, BC
CanadaV7J 1G1
Attention: Privacy Officer
Telephone: (604) 770-4701
Copies of this Policy and other related privacy policies are available on request.
Collection, Use and Disclosure
Silver collects, uses and discloses personal information in order to identify and communicate with patients, investors, distributors, suppliers and service-providers; to determine whether to accept any person as a patient, investor, distributor, supplier or service-provider; to administer our relationship with patients, investors, distributors, suppliers and service-providers; to keep accounts and records related to dental care, including assessment, treatment, and payment for services; and as otherwise permitted or required by law. Silver limits the collection, use and disclosure of personal information to what is required and reasonable in the circumstances. Although Silver collects personal information primarily from the individual involved, Silver may also collect personal information from other authorized sources.
Silver may store personal information in its custody, or control outside of Canada, or share personal information with third parties (service providers) located in other countries. If Silver transfers personal information to third parties for storage or processing, Silver will use contractual or other means to provide a comparable level of protection while the personal information is accessible to the third party. No contract or policy can override the laws of the jurisdiction where the personal information is stored.
If Silver is involved in a sale, transfer or reorganization of its business that involves the disclosure of personal information to another organization, Silver will require that organization to protect the personal information in a manner that is consistent with this Policy and all applicable law.
Collection, Use and Disclosure At (the “Website”)
If you browse the Website, you do so anonymously. Silver does not collect your personal information from the Website unless you voluntarily provide it to us.
Your Personal Information – During your use of the Website, Silver may allow you to voluntarily provide us with personal information for the purpose of communicating with you.
Although Silver has enacted security measures, it cannot guarantee the security of any information that you submit electronically, which is done at your own risk.
Use of Your Personal Information – Silver may use your personal information to contact and correspond with you, and as otherwise specified at the time of collection, or permitted by law. Silver may keep a record of communications with you via the Website.
Information Automatically Collected
Non-Identifiable Information – The Website automatically collects non-identifiable information such as the Internet Protocol (“IP”) address of your computer, the IP address of your Internet Service Provider, the date and time you access the Website, the Internet address of the website from which you linked to the Website, the operating system you are using, and the Website pages read, images viewed and information downloaded. This non-identifiable information is used for system administration purposes and to improve the Website. Non-identifiable information may be disclosed to others and permanently archived for future use.
Tracking Information – Silver may use non-identifiable information to create tracking information reports regarding Website use and Website user demographics. These reports will be provided to others including the Website host. The tracking information in the reports is not connected to the identities or other personal information of individual Website users.
Cookies – The Website uses “cookies”, a technology that installs a small amount of information on a Website user’s computer to permit the Website to recognize future visits using that computer. Cookies enhance the convenience and use of the Website. For example, the information provided through cookies may be used to recognize you as a previous user of the Website (so you do not have to enter your personal information every time), offer personalized web page content and information for your use, and otherwise facilitate your Website experience. You may choose to decline cookies if your browser permits, but doing so may affect your ability to access or use certain features of the Website.
Except where limited exceptions apply, Silver will always make a reasonable effort to ensure that individuals are advised in advance of the purposes for which their personal information will be collected, used or disclosed.
Similarly, except where otherwise permitted or required by law, Silver only collects, uses and discloses personal information with consent. Subject to applicable statutory exceptions, personal information will not be disclosed outside of Silver without consent, nor will it be used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected unless the individual consents to those new purposes.
An individual may withdraw his or her consent to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions. A decision to withhold or withdraw certain personal information may affect your relationship with Silver.
Retention and Accuracy
Silver retains personal information as long as is necessary for legal or business purposes. Personal information that has been used to make a decision that directly affects an individual will be retained for at least one year. Personal information that is no longer required is destroyed or made anonymous.
Silver relies on individuals to provide accurate and current personal information. Where appropriate and on request, Silver will revise personal information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant, and will disclose the revised personal information to third parties to permit the revision of their records. Where personal information is not revised as requested, the personal information will be annotated with the request that was made.
Silver understands the importance of using security safeguards to protect personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, modification or disposal. Silver employs physical, administrative and technological measures to protect personal information regardless of the format in which it is held and in accordance with the sensitivity of the information.
At any time, with sufficient information, an individual may seek access to his or her personal information. Silver will respond to written requests within 30 days. In some cases, Silver may respond to a request with an estimate of the fee required for processing the request. Individuals may be requested to pay all or part of the fee in advance of the processing of the request.
Except where otherwise permitted or required by law to deny access, Silver will provide individuals with access to their personal information including, as accurately as possible, an account of the third parties to whom Silver has disclosed the individual’s personal information. Where information that Silver is entitled, or required, to withhold is severable, Silver will edit the personal information to allow access to the remaining information.
Silver will assist any individual who requires assistance preparing an access request.